Studying the Effect and Function of American Mobile Cinema in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Photography, Visual & Fine Arts, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Mobile cinema as an effective propaganda tool has had more importance and expansion, especially, after the world war two and changes of dominant techniques in the world. When the world great powers employed the cultural diplomacy strategies to stabilize their situation and dominance on colonies and third world countries using propaganda tools including mobile cinema, which Herbert I. Schiller called it cultural Imperialism.
Iran is one of the few countries in which the American mobile cinema has long activated. This paper has considered what was been the causes of presence of American mobile cinema in Iran; and it has concluded using the existing reports and documents through descriptive and analytic methods: American mobile cinema has started its operations through the program of Truman four principle (Point IV Program) and due to prevent Communism influence and producing the protective belt to American interests, and it was gradually operated through showing the educational and recreational films to change views and propagate the American life style, in one side, and through news and propagative films, in other side, stabilizing its supported governance aimed to dominate Iran.


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