Sociological Analysis of the Reflection of Social Evolutions in the Artworks of Hussein Behzad

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA student of Islamic Art, art faculty, shahed university, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

2 Assistant professor of Islamic Art, art faculty, Shahed university, Tehran, Iran


The transformation of art in every period of artist’s life is affected by the social evolutions. One of the special historical periods associated with the specific social conditions in Iran that influenced on the art and artists, was the occurrence of the First and Second World War. The coincidence of famine and poverty caused by these wars and the events of the horrible condition of Hussein Behzad’s life, in the childhood and adolescence, made him affected a lot by the social conditions.
This paper, which aims at understanding the reflection of social events in Behzad's artworks, has been performed by descriptive-analytical methods and with library studies. In addition, it analyzes the content and visual structures of the works of the artist, and tries to answer this question: how do the social evolutions and the reflection of them affect the life and the artworks of Hossein Behzad? In this article, his life and artworks on the theme and visual structure that based on the reflection approach have been analyzed. The findings showed that social evolutions were clearly reflected in the theme and with the technical innovation of the artist in the visual structure of the works.


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