Sociological Analysis of the Most Important Cultural Barrier for Political Development in Iran (Second Pahlavi Era)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Research and Sciences branch, Azad Islamic University, Tehran. Iran

2 professor of Sociology, college of humanities and social sciences, research and sciences branch, Azad Islamic university, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

3 professor of Sociology, college of humanities and social sciences, research and sciences branch, Azad Islamic university, Tehran, Iran

4 professor,college humanities and social sciences, research and sciences branch, Azad Islamic university,Tehran,Iran


This research aims to answer this basic question that what was the most important cultural barrier in second Pahlavi era that impeded the Iran society in reaching political development? Also what were second Pahlavi´s main actions in depriving Iran society from achieving political development? This article inspired by Weber´s approach in importance of culture and also by Engelhardt´s revised renewal approach by using historical and documentary research methods. To do this research, we have referred actual and virtual libraries and we have done analytical inspection and taking notes from books and original documents related to the subject of this research and conducting analysis accompanied with Meta-analysis.
   Findings showed that dictatorship and authoritarian culture governing over society and political system and autocratic and dictatorship management of Mohammad Reza Shah toward  different institutions in society, suppression of civil society, sever censorship over publishing books and newspapers, dissolution of independent cultural and social associations and critical political parties which dependent on new middle class, and also interrupting free dynamic, critical intellectual flow, were among the most important cultural barrier of political development and failure of Iran´s society in reaching political development in second Pahlavi’s era.


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