Studying Internal and External Factors of Newfound Phenomenon of ISIL (From 2010 to 2017)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tababai University, Iran

2 Culture and Art Applied Science University Director


One of the major issues about ISIL is that, despite global opposition and all-out military strikes under two, three, or multilateral coalitions against ISIS, how ISIS continues to remain until 2017. In response, this paper introduces a set of components for the sustainability of this group which is divided into two levels: internal and external. At the internal level, “effective discursive factor in ISIS's survival”, “utilization of Social political dissatisfaction”, “economic-financial abilities", "fear and panic" and "propaganda" can be mentioned. At the external level, "the support of international powers", "Efforts to balance the power in the region", "Israel's security and engagement of the resistance front" are estimated as effective indicators for the survival of this group. These variables in a very complex and rational manner have led ISIS to be persevered for many years, in spite of all the efforts of the sovereign powers that tried to suppress it, and impose irreparable damages on the countries of Iraq and Syria and continue to be an international threat. The theoretical framework of this research is political Islam and research methodology is descriptive and analytical. The method of compilation of materials is libraries and documents.


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