Journal of Culture-Communication Studies

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Language Education and Educational Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Corresponding Author))

2 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Imam Reza International University of Mashhad

3 Ph.D. Candidate in TEFL, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Considering the new concept of emotioncy (emotion+frequency), the present study intends to examine the lingua-cultural concept of [nāz] in Persian language using Hymes’(1967) SPEAKING model. The outcomes of this study revealed that the concept of [nāz] has been mostly prevalent inthe collective culture of Iran, and the expressions related to [nāz] are even more widely used in comparison to the past. The high frequency and variety of this lingua-cultural concept is due to fact that Iranians have mostly positive and mixed emotions toward this concept, and as a result, their level of emotioncy toward [nāz] is higher (Inner-emo and Arch-emo).Overall, the results suggest that this lingua-cultural element is more commonly used in informal situations with participants of equal or unequal power relationships. It was also concluded that the main aim behind the use of this lingua-cultural item is to use it as a politeness strategy. Considering the oral mode of language, the tones that are accompanied with [nāz] are usually begging, admiring, offensive, and sardonic.


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