Fundamental Theory in the Way Theorizing

Document Type : Research Paper




The fundamental theory is a modern method to discover fundamental meaning through qualitative research data. Thus fundamental Theory is a qualitative method with exploratory- inductive technique. But the positivism method is a quantitative method with deductive technique following to confirm or refuse the theory model and suppositions.   The fundamental theory passes three basic stages: a) putting into a open code and exploting meaning; b) putting into A pivotal code and exploting categories; c) putting into a elective code and exploting centeral category. of course the stages of fundamental theory methodology is not nontinuous essentially; rather it is based on simultaneous analysis. it means that the researcher of fundamental theory can gather, classify and analyse research data simultaneously, because the aim of researcher passing these stages is to get centeral category explaining other categories and the phenomena of research. The relations between central category and other ones causes the story line explaining fundamental meaning of fundamental theory, then suppose it as a sun having the regular and systematic relationships with other planets. In fundamental theory against quantitative researches, we can not programme the theoretic sampling before field research. When the category theoretic saturation accomplished so judgement standard in theoretic sampling would be done. In this case, the additional samples and data can not provide a new knowledge and then all of the samples seem alike; otherwise, if the researcher did not discover the theory after passing the stages, he/ she must increase theoretic sensitivenees and it means asking and comparing continuously during the research establishing fundamental theory base.