Imam Khomini's view about Secularism's Principals

Document Type : Research Paper




Secularism is a western ideology which its principals are formated during centuries. Western’s schools such as Humanism, Renaissance. Enlightment and liberalism are its main bases. The fundation of secularism regarding to Imam Khomeini's point of view  is the main topic of the paper. In fact in this research we are going to contrast the Islamic discourse with that of secularism. Therefore, the following question should be answered: what is Imam Khomeini’s idea about the fundation of secularism. The present article is consisted of following subjects: secularism meanings & definitions, indicators and its historical, and it's philosophical roots. Imam khomeinie's ideas about secularism indicators such as rationalization and separeting morrality and politic as well as deholization and other releted issues are discussed.