The Representation of Women in Gender Jokes Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Jokes about Women

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai Uni(Corresponding author).

2 MA, Allameh Tabatabai Uni.


This article is based on academic research entitled "The Representation of Women in Gender Jokes" which aims to examine the representation of women in jokes. In this study, due to the subject's qualitative aspects, discourse analysis has been used. For this purpose, twenty gender jokes were selected out of more than a hundred cases and analyzed using the three-dimensional model of Norman Fairclough.    The results showed that representation of women and girls in gender jokes is negative and ignoble compared to men and even boys. In these jokes, the representations of women are different to girls. Representation of women is affected by the stereotypes, traditional and patriarchal beliefs and partially media stereotypes. On the other hand, the representation of girls was largely influenced by media stereotypes. Also, the results reveal that the gender jokes have emerged from the patriarchy discourse and at the end lead to confirmation and reinforcement of this discourse.


منابع و مآخذ



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