Study of Concordance Between Sound and Meaning (Phono-Semantic Matching) of Eighteen Suras of Qur’an

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Tehran University


Language in general and the Holy Qur’an as a special language in particular, have an auditive nature. Formation and learning of a language in its natural manner, still continuing through successive generations in human history, have the same nature. Every language has also its own sound and melody, which in many cases, the proportion of sound and meaning are verifiable. The special language of the Holy Qura’n, dosen’t do exception in this regard. This language, being a divine and compulsory collection (by the Book and Sunnah), follows this order in many cases. So, the study of this aspect of the Qura’n’s language is important and has notable results. This paper studies the concordance existing between Kuranic words, phrases, ayas and their meanings in eighteen Suras of the Holy Qura’n...  


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