Cultural Boundaries and Crossings between Different Lifestyle Groups in Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Faculty of Social, Allameh Tababa’I University, Tehran. Iran

2 Ph.D. in Cultural Sociology, Faculty of Social, Allameh Tababa’I University, Tehran. Iran (Corresponding Author)


In this study, which was based on a quantitative (descriptive-survey) method, we have tried to examine the extent/ measures of the cultural boundaries and crossing between different lifestyle groups in Tehran. The statistical population included all citizens of Tehran who were 16 years old and up. The sample size included 625 who were selected by cluster multistage method. A questionnaire tool was used to collect data. The Cronbach's alpha rate of the questionnaire exceeded from 93%. Based on the data and factor analysis method, five types of lifestyle were obtained: "unprofessional", "unfit", "devious", "religious", "favorable". In Tehran, these five types of lifestyles are the basis of boundaries, cultural exchange, and the interactions of individuals. The results showed that the degree of cultural boundary and crossing was different from the types of lifestyle groups among Tehran residents. Also, the degree of cultural boundary and crossing over of lifestyle groups varies according to the individual characteristics of social actors such as social class, age, gender, education, and so on. For example :Higher social classes compared to lower social classes, high educated people compared to low educated people, men compared to women,   residents in higher clusters relative to residents in lower clusters, Tehrani compared to non-Tehrani, younger people compared to middle-aged and older, divorced and single compared to married and deceased spouses  cross cultural-social boundaries more. The significance level of all results was more than 99% and all hypotheses have been confirmed.


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