Cybernetic Efaf Communicate in Social network

Document Type : Research Paper


Cybernetic ​​social networks have created a new situation in human life And since this is religion in all aspects of life, the rules of conduct religious activities in the social network perspective reproduce.System of normative behavior in Iran after the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic civilization claim determination religious practices at all levels of public life is essential. This paper focuses on the Islamic values ​​of modesty, as a manifestation of Islamic values​​, and this article attempts to religious dimensions in legal and ethical dimensions, Theories of computer-mediated communication and human relations (attractions, perception management and social influence) to examine Combining the three methods and the tradition of qualitative research, focus groups, depth interviews and participatory and non-participatory observation Fyfanh begun to explore how social networks are discussed. This paper focuses on the Islamic values ​​of modesty, as a manifestation of Islamic values​​, and this article attempts to religious dimensions in legal and ethical dimensions, Theories of computer-mediated communication and human relations (attractions, perception management and social influence) to examine Combining the three methods and the tradition of qualitative research, focus groups, depth interviews and participatory and non-participatory observation Fyfanh begun to explore how social networks are discussed.


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