Musical Consumption

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Theology of IRIB University/MA in Sociology of Tehran University

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The present paper is the result of a telephone survey, aiming at examining the attitude of 15 to 45 years citizens of Tehran towards music, focusing on a variety of available music. It has a sample size of 804 participants, and descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis.  The results showed that 78.2% of 15 to 45 years citizens of Tehran were listeners to a variety of music. Among music listeners, 72.1% listened to “music with words”, 68.4% listened to “Iranian music” and 54.3% preferred “music videos”.  63.8% of them were interested in “Iranian pop music”, 52.6% preferred “Iranian music produced in Los Angeles”, 40.8% preferred “Iranian classical music”, 28.3% listened to “religious music”, 26.3% preferred “folklore music”, 19.4% were interested in “western music”, 19.3% were the lovers of “rap music”, 16.9% preferred “Iranian instrumental pop music”, 14.54% preferred “Iranian instrumental classical music”,  13.3% preferred “underground pop music”, 11.5% listened to “non-rock music”, 10.4% preferred “foreign classical music” and 4.6% listened to “foreign folk music” at high levels. 45.6% of music listeners cared about “content” and 19.5% of them cared about “rhythm”.


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