Changes of Turkish to Persian Spoken Language in the Past Two Decade And Todays Resistance to change Grounded Theory Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistance professor of Research Institute of Educational ,Psychological and Sociological in kharazmi University (Corresponding Author)

2 null


Using the constructivist approach and the methodology of Grounded Theory, this paper reconstructs semantically the changes of the spoken language from Turkish to Persian in the past two decades and provides resistance to change of nowadays. To conduct the research, it has been used qualitative research method and Grounded theory procedures and In-depth interview techniques to carry out result? The most important questions of this research are as follows: What aspect of Azari speakers had changed during last two decades that they preferred to speak Persian? What has been occurred nowadays that they tend to speak Turkish?
Findings consist of six major categories: The need to display the glory of the upper classes, the intensity and the interactions between classes, the desire to change attitudes and behavior concerning language, interaction Inability, social space of interaction among the upper classes and the oppressed; the prestige of the language, seeking entry to the upper class through linguistic changes and followers of value changes in the poor.
The core category of this study is the lack of desire to change the spoken language which covers mentioned categories.


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