Cultural geography; the Theoretical and Methodological Explanation Used in Studying Cultural Areas




Cultural geography is one of the branches of human geography; in this branch the reason of differences between cultures and human values in cultural area is considered. It means that differences and changes in spaces and spatial in geographic factors and cultural phenomena in every society is considered, and this consideration is occurred over the time, space and spatial.
In this paper we try to investigate the nature, theoretical and methodological view of cultural geography. The main question of this article: What is the scope and nature of cultural geography? And what are the methods used in identifying areas of cultural geography? Therefore, to clarify the framework of cultural geography studies, we try to discuss the relation between geography and culture as well as the evolution of old and new cultural geography. In this paper Descriptive and Analytical methods as well as Library research methods have been used.
Thus, our main purpose for giving a study framework in the human geography is: First, to clear scientific knowledge in the field of human science, second, to clarify the methods and theory of cultural geography and use them for understanding the reasons of differences of spaces and spatial in geographic areas.
