Women Insecurity Feeling Experience in Urban Public Places

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Sociology. Kurdestan Uni(Corresponding author).

2 M.A in Sociology. Kurdestan Uni.

3 , M.A in Cultural Study. Allameh Tabatabai Uni.


This article attempts to study the contexts, reasons and consequences of feeling insecurity among women in urban public places. The field of study is urban public places in Sanandaj. A sample is selected by theoretical-purposes sampling and they were interviewed by way of deep individual interviews. The findings show that feeling insecurity among women in urban public places is due to causes like “structural tensions” and “sociofobia” as well as circumstances such as “violent places” and “self-representation”. Women also believe that their insecurity feelings are amplified by specific reasons and motivations visible in men words, behaviors and gestures. The most important of these reasons/motivations are: "appetence of relation" & "Frustration/aggression". This Insecurity feeling of women has individual and collective consequences that made them to adopt "Precautionary actions", such as secrecy and silence. These insecurity feelings are also visible in social level


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