The Policies and Methods of Attracting Communicatees in Cyber-Social Networks, The Study Case of Telegram Popular Farsi Channels

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch (Corresponding author)

2 Faculty Member of Islamic Teachings and Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh University.


The issue of impact on the audience or the communicatee is one of the most fundamental issues in the science of culture and communication. The emergence of internet and social media according to its interrelated and multi aspect nature, not only has the doubled importance of understanding of audience but also has complicated the process of attracting the audience. The contest for catching audience has reached to a level that there are numerous options for the audience to choose. the decision of audience for joining a group or channel (the initial attraction) and being determined to continue the participation (maintenance) are the essential terms of influencing the audience. However, a short review on the ecology of social media, revels the serious weakness of cultural and religious groups and channels for attracting and maintaining the audience. This research, by referring to the study of successful persian channels in telegram, seeks to find out which policies are recommended for cultural and religious actors in atracting audiences.
To answer this question, the semi-structured interviews with the audience of successful telegram channels were conducted and by using thematic analysis method, twenty-two recommendations were presented as the policies of attracting audience. The most important and frequent suggestions are the trust of users in the channel and its messages, time management of sending messages, diversity in the forms of message dissemination, diversity and comprehensiveness in the content of messages and observance of brevity in the submitted content.


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