Factors Influencing Bricolage Identity Among Adolescents and Young People (Case Study of Karaj City)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Kashan University (Corresponding Author) m.ganji@kashanu.ac.ir

2 PhD in Sociology, Kashan, Lecturer, Alborz Cultural Campus msdt59@yahoo.com

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Institute of Cultural and Social Studies Mferemi@gmail.com


The development of cultural relations among various countries, cultural structures, identities and values of the Iranian society has also changed, and in this passage, a certain type of identity known in the world as bricolage and fluid identity is emerging among young people and adolescents, this identity that has a hybrid nature has merged elements of Islamic, Iranian, and modern identity, and has unique intellectual and behavioral trends based on the selection of multiple elements.
The present study was conducted to survey the status and effective factors of bricolage identity in adolescents and youths of Karaj city by survey method. Data were collected by a questionnaire from a sample of391 people using multistage cluster sampling from youth and adolescents in Karaj city has been collected in 1397. The validity of the questionnaire was based on the Cronbach's alpha coefficient and its reliability based on expert opinions. Research findings show that bricolage identity varies according to gender and education, and there is a positive and significant correlation between the desire to beautify the body, exuberant use, luxurious leisure style and leisure style with the identity of bricolage. Also, based on the results of logistic regression analysis, the desire to beautify the body, luxurious leisure style has a positive and direct effect and a leisurely style of hangover has had a negative and indirect effect on the identity of the bricolage.


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