Journal of Culture-Communication Studies

Document Type : Research Paper



As a process of relatively deep transformation in a wide scope, globalization has changed, and in most cases, weaken almost all the structures of human life, especially national cultures that are the foundation of identity and civilization of nations. This paper explains the concept of cultural symbiosis among multicultural-ethnic societies and seeks answers to this question: given the inevitable process of globalization, how different cultures can come together to survive in a society where there are different cultures and ethnic groups? The methodology of this paper is documentary and it has been tried to rethink the concept of cultural integration relying on written sources and analytical approaches in the field of culture. For the analysis of this issue, the consolidated view of the theories of classical, contemporary and postmodern sociologists has been studied. In this context, the views of scholars such as Harvey, Fiderston and Fukuyama were analyzed as well. The results suggest that in the process of cultural integration in multicultural societies, the social and cultural changes are the natural phenomena in the communities. But if those changes are consistent with the national identity and preservation of ethnic cultures (and move in this direction), not only can help the cultural dynamics, but also can be a factor in enhancing the integration and national cohesion in multicultural societies.


منابع و مآخذ
منابع فارسی
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