Journal of Culture-Communication Studies

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Religion and Communication of Imam Sadiq (AS) University/ PhD Student in Sociology of Tehran University


Today, the widespread presence of mass media in directing the world public opinion is one of the undeniable facts that and has influenced the contemporary world. This meaning has gone up to that point that the present age has been called "the Age of Media". In the meantime, addressing the obligation of enjoining good and forbidding the evil based on its privileged position in Islam and also in other religious practices is important for having desirable Islamic media. Accordingly, its elements and functions can be dealt with and considered with regard to the contemporary social and cultural requirements. There are six basic elements for communication in Jakobson's model of media. Each of these six elements has assigned certain communicative functions to oneself which include receptors, effort functionality, transmitters, emotional functionality, message, aesthetic functionality, code or codes, cross-language functionality, context, reference functionality, contact channels, and words functionality. In Jakobson's view, each message has a set of functions, but a function becomes dominant based on the circumstances and context. Enjoining good and forbidding the evil in the Islamic ideal media, not only indicate the above elements and functionalities in relation to each other and in a convergent and interactive model, but also manifest the media dominant aspect, i.e. the motivational functionality of the audience in facing with the message.


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